Friday, June 28, 2013

Get ready for Summer!

Our summer schedule is in full swing at Shenango Way Farm. Lovely weather has rejuvenated my passion for all things riding. As we head into the hottest part of the year, there are somethings I'd like you to think about concerning summer riding and staying safe in the heat.
1. Dress for the weather. Pants made of breathable material and tank tops can help keep you cooler than heavy jeans and cotton shirts. 

2. Bring a water bottle and place it somewhere you can get to it while riding, such as on top of a fence post. Drink often and plenty even if you don't feel thirsty. 

3. Take frequent breaks and get in the shade. If you feel dizzy, overheated or sick to your stomache, dismount immediately and take your helmet off. Also, you may need to rest in the shade or splash cool water on your face, arms and hands to help cool you down.

4. Don't forget your sunblock!

5. If possible, ride early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the hottest part of the day. 

6. Take good care of your horse too. Horses made to work hard in the heat can also get overheated and sick. Let your horse drink frequently during work, but only in small amounts. Hot and sweaty horses need to be cooled down slowly at the end of your ride and may need to be hosed off to help return their body temperature to normal. 

I hope your enjoy your summer riding! Just remember these tips to help keep you and your horse cool and safe. If you have any hot weather riding tips of your own, feel free to add them below! 

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