Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Buttons Needle Grass AKA "Snickers"

Here is Snickers' (or buttons') story:

One fine saturday my dad commented to me: "Did you see there are some kittens in the garage?"
I had indeed seen these kittens running around at varying times during my daily chores, three to be exact. A solid black, a black and white, and a mottled brown one. A couple times they would sit in our driveway and scatter when we drove up, or opened our door in the morning. Great, the last thing we need is a litter of wild kittens hanging around eating up the food and making more kittens...

About a week later, after trying with no luck to catch or pet the kittens, Pablo called me out of the house. "One of those kittens is out here, and I think it's sick." He said. He was right. The little black one was huddled up against the trash cans, staring at the ground. As I cautiously crept closer, the poor little thing turned its yellow eyes at me and managed a nasty hiss. It had no strength to resist me though, so I just wrapped my hand around him and picked him up.

The first thing I felt was bones. He was very thin, and obviously sick as he wasn't fighting me at all. We put him in a little box and called the SPCA. I wont even get into the run-around we got from them, but I'll sum it up by saying that while they thought about what they would do... the poor little thing died. Some time later, they arrived to trap the remaining kittens. Having successfully caught them, however, they released them on the spot because they weren't sick. *Just a little sarcastic side note: apparently, the SPCA would prefer us to turn our unwanted and feral cats loose rather than turn them in to the shelter... thats based on my experiences (more than one occasion!) Ok, enough about my frustrations. Back to the story* So there we were, left with one dead kitten, and two live ones living in our garage. I figured the only way to solve this problem was to tame them, and find homes for them.

Snickers was pretty easy. She was so drawn to the food that I lured her with that she would come right up to me to eat. It only took about a week to go from completely wild, to letting me touch her and pet her. She has been a doll ever since! The black and white kitten never came around much, even for food. He is very skittish. We see him every once in a while, but he mostly stays away.

Snickers is awesome now... today I was doing home work and she curled up on my chest and went to sleep. She loves to play with leaves and bugs, and she always wants someone to pet her, scratch her and pick her up. She's become like our little mascot, following us around and watching us ride.

So, to make my long story shorter, please spread the word about this sweet, loving kitten! I have my own adult cats (who dont appreciate the addition of a kitten) and need to find Snickers a loving home. She would be appropriate for just about any situation, indoor/outdoor etc. She is litter trained and loves other cats and dogs. She doesn't even mind the horses! In fact, she rubs on their legs and runs under them while they are walking. Give this kitty a home for Christmas!

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