Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shenango's Great-Grandsire Revealed!

My mom loves family research. Hardly a week goes by without her sharing some neat discovery of a distant ancestor who did something cool. Well, I get a kick out of it too - just a different kind of family history. My horse's family history! 

Me & Shenango Way ~ 1997
While going through some old paperwork last week I made an interesting discovery about my dear old thoroughbred, Shenango; our first horse and the namesake of our farm. It turns out that he was a great-grandson of non other than Secretariat! 

Maybe you can see his resemblance to the incredible athlete below, or maybe not. I can't say Shenango exactly took after his great grand sire. Those who knew Shenango know that he was slow as molasses and chronically "lacked impulsion". But he was a sweet guy and an amazing horse to both me and my sister, and everyone who had the privilege of riding him loved him. Its just cool to know where he came from and that he's a descended from one of America's greatest thoroughbreds. It makes me want to go watch the movie!

Secretariat, winner of the 1973 Triple Crown and Shenango's great-grandsire

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